
Anime Sex - Kimi Omou Koi 02 English

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Narumi is so obsessed with females in racing swimsuits that he became the head of the swimming club. However, since this gazing drew the attention of the female members, they protested to the Discipline Committee's Kurosawa. Narumi's calm days of looking at females in bikinis are disrupted by the Discipline Committee's increased patrolling. With no other option, Narumi decides to put on the swimsuit himself in order to repress his desires. He intends to put on the swimsuit beside a pool that is seldom frequented but is seen by Kurosawa. Kurosawa advises him to concentrate more on actually engaging in club events, but she also recognizes how difficult it is to conceal his love of bikinis. She takes a bold step in order to persuade him to change his ways.
Runtime: 16:35
Views: 312
Submitted by: Eliasobregon7575


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